Buch: eLearning Baltics 2012
eLearning Baltics 2012
Proceedings of the 5th International eLBa Conference
Hrsg.: Bodo Urban, Petra Müsebeck; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock; Universität Rostock
2012, 218 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0405-2

This book is a collection of the papers accepted for presentation at the eLBa2012, the 5th International eLearning Baltics Conference, held in Rostock, Germany.
eLearning Baltics (eLBa) was initiated by representatives from science as well as business. It aims at stimulating and supporting the exchange of new ideas and experiences between research and application, scientists and practitioners. Thus, the 5th International eLBa Conference in 2012 combined again the international scientific conference eLBa Science and the Business User Forum eLBa Business.
This year's motto was Learning, Training and Assistance at the Workplace. Within this context the eLBa 2012 covered different aspects of learning and teaching with digital media in various settings such as classroom, university, workplace, home or mobile environments, including formal as well as informal methods and technologies in different branches like research, construction, manufacturing and on different levels like the office or shop-floor-level manufacturing.
More information about eLearning Baltics is available at http://www.elearning-baltics.eu/

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