Market Study
Martin Böhmer, Timo Erler, Lara Waltermann, Boris Otto
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML
2015, 185 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., E-Book
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-9506-7
Data management turns into a key success factor for enterprises to gain competitive advantage by leveraging sustainable value from data. Documenting data management by maintaining up-to-date metadata builds the foundation for data quality, data governance, compliance, business insights and the continuous improvement of data management in all its design areas.
Considering over 30 software vendors, this study report provides a comprehensive market overview of solutions that assist the management of metadata relevant for data management. A detailed analysis and comparison of the tools' capabilities for a structured description of data management speeds up the pre-selection of solutions based on your requirements. Scenarios for the introduction of a metadata management tool outline the implications of the maturity of data management and the existing tool landscape.
Because leveraging business value from (meta) data requires convenient and easy access to relevant information for stakeholders without technical background, special attention is drawn to the tools' support for publishing and sharing metadata. Continuous improvement significantly depends on the collaboration of stakeholders, who discover and discuss new requirements or provide feedback about the available documentation. This is why "collaboration" is a second aspect emphasized by this market report.
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Fraunhofer IML, Manager, Informatiker, Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Unternehmensberater, Betriebswirt, Controller, Metaanalyse, Metadata,
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