Buch: Data Catalogs - Integrated Platforms for Matching Data Supply and Demand
Data Catalogs - Integrated Platforms for Matching Data Supply and Demand
Reference Model and Market Analysis (Version 1.0)
Tobias Korte, Martin Fadler, Markus Spiekermann, Christine Legner, Boris Otto
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ISST, Dortmund; Competence Center Corporate Data Quality CC CDQ, University of Lausanne
2019, 51 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., E-Book
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-1446-4

When it comes to managing data as a strategic asset, creating transparency with regard to a company's data assets and making them available to users is critical. To master this challenge, companies have started to build up and use a Data Catalog, or plan to do so. Despite the proliferation of the concept, however, it is still unclear what exactly is meant by the term "Data Catalog", and what functional scope a Data Catalog should have. Uncertainty also arises from the fact that the market for Data Catalog solutions has hardly seen any consolidation so far. This report is intended to support companies in defining and scoping their Data Catalog project. In addition, the purpose of the report is to help companies in assessing Data Catalog solutions available on the market and choosing the one most suitable to meet their specific needs. The report defines what a Data Catalog is and does, and specifies its role in enterprise data management, presents a Data Catalog reference model, specifying relevant user groups and the basic functions of a Data Catalog, analyzes Data Catalog solutions available on the market as well as market trends.

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