Yannick Bachteler, Carina Edinger, Marc Jentsch, Veronika Krauß, Constanze Ritzmann, Sarah Suleri, Daniel Wolferts, Jacqueline Ullmann, Julia Sander
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin
2021, 48 S., cards and short brochure, Sonstiges Printprodukt
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-1664-2
Fraunhofer FIT combines methods of Design Thinking with User-Centered Design to support innovation processes. We give a hand to find out WHAT to do and HOW to do it. This way you can enhance your market competitiveness through more innovative solutions. Design Thinking and User-Centered Design with Fraunhofer improve your adaptability to the ever changing market.
Methods are a core aspect of Design Thinking. This card set contains 48 cards with the most common methods and easily understandable explanations on how to carry them out. You can use the method cards to get inspired, to get an overview of available methods or to extend your knowledge portfolio. This might help you to select the most suitable method for a given situation. Or you can provide the cards to workshop participants for autonomous use. The method cards are an ideal starting point for the application of user-centered development processes.
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