Buch: Future Security 2011 Conference Proceedings. CD-ROM
Future Security 2011 Conference Proceedings. CD-ROM
Proceedings of the 6th Future Security Research Conference 2011 (Berlin)
Joachim Ender, Jens Fiege
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer FHR, Wachtberg
2011, , E-Book
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag

Towards a Secure Future
Terrorism, organized crime and sabotage, but also natural disasters and technological accidents can cause serious damage and disruption with long-lasting consequences for economies and the quality of life. To achieve sustainable success in civil security, the development and implementation of new security technologies are mandatory. The first step towards a secure future is to bring together the decision makers in politics, industry and finance with scientists working on leading-egde and innovative concepts, sensors or systems for civil security.

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