Buch: Integrated Service Engineering Framework ISE
Integrated Service Engineering Framework ISE
Development of Business Services for Ecosystems in the Internet of Services
Dieter Spath, Hartmut Raffler
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart
2011, 169 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0231-7

This book introduces the basic principles of the Integrated Service Engineering (ISE) framework which is one result of the THESEUS/TEXO project. Firstly, the elementary approaches in the "Internet of Services" are addressed, along with current trends in their development and usage from the viewpoint of IT providers. Secondly, the structures and elements of service lifecycles and their management are described and compared in order to specify which phases of the service lifecycle are covered by ISE. Thirdly, the overall structure of the ISE approach is explained which forms the core of the book. Then, methods and models for the innovation, strategic, conceptual and logical perspectives are shown in further detail. These methods and models are considered as proposals and illustrate the application of ISE. Finally, the use case of a service in the IT outsourcing domain is shown which demonstrates how ISE (the first two perspectives) can be applied in a practical context.
The book is aimed at scientists who work in the field of service engineering and try to bridge the gap between the strategic, business-oriented and the technical world of service development. A selection of THESEUS/TEXO references to publications that further address certain issues of a specific topic are listed at the end of some of the contributions.

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