Buch: Public-private partnerships in research and innovation: Trends and international perspectives
Public-private partnerships in research and innovation: Trends and international perspectives
ISI-Schriftenreihe Innovationspotenziale
Hrsg.: Knut Koschatzky, Thomas Stahlecker; Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe
2016, 255 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-1027-5

zur Open Access Version

This volume presents different international approaches to organise public-private-partnerships (PPP) in research and innovation. Besides the German research programme "Forschungscampus", other partnership models from the USA, Korea, China, Australia, Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Sweden are presented. Conclusions about characteristic elements of the models and about important cornerstones of programmes supporting PPPs in research and innovation will be derived.

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