Bücher, CDs, Broschüren (77):
Treffer 1 bis 10
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Maxime Krier
Asymptotically based modeling and optimization of fluid-structure interaction with periodic yarn structures
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2025, 195 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Asymptotically based modeling and optimization of fluid-structure interaction with periodic yarn structures
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2025, 195 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Dimitri Morgenstern
Model Predictive Control with Stabilizing Prediction Horizon of Systems Described by Time-Discretized ODEs and DAEs
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 90 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Model Predictive Control with Stabilizing Prediction Horizon of Systems Described by Time-Discretized ODEs and DAEs
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 90 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Ramzi Jafar
Accelerating Global Optimization Methods: Exploring Local Convexity, Monotonicity and Uniqueness
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 106 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Accelerating Global Optimization Methods: Exploring Local Convexity, Monotonicity and Uniqueness
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 106 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Johannes Liebertseder
Thermal design optimization of traction battery modules using meta-model-based simulations
Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Fraunhofer ICT, Band 99
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal
2024, 137 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Thermal design optimization of traction battery modules using meta-model-based simulations
Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Fraunhofer ICT, Band 99
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal
2024, 137 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Souha Meriee
Combined Integrated Combustion Technology for the Use in Automatically Charged Biomass Boilers
Forschungsergebnisse aus der Bauphysik, Band 59
Hrsg.: Philip Leistner, Schew-Ram Mehra, Gunnar Grün; Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart
2024, 324 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Combined Integrated Combustion Technology for the Use in Automatically Charged Biomass Boilers
Forschungsergebnisse aus der Bauphysik, Band 59
Hrsg.: Philip Leistner, Schew-Ram Mehra, Gunnar Grün; Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart
2024, 324 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Ina Lammel
Approximation of Pareto surfaces in multicriteria optimization
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 161 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Approximation of Pareto surfaces in multicriteria optimization
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 161 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Philipp Seufert
Constrained Optimal Experimental Design: Theory, Algorithm and Applications
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 190 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Constrained Optimal Experimental Design: Theory, Algorithm and Applications
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2024, 190 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Tobias Lichti
Development of Methods and Tools for the Design of Programmable Materials
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern
2024, 176 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Development of Methods and Tools for the Design of Programmable Materials
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern
2024, 176 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Arne Groß
Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Smart Grid Applications
Solare Energie- und Systemforschung / Solar Energy and Systems Research
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg
2023, 180 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab, Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Smart Grid Applications
Solare Energie- und Systemforschung / Solar Energy and Systems Research
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg
2023, 180 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab, Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Björn Beck
Implementation of the 3D skeleton winding technology for thermoplastic structural components
Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Fraunhofer ICT, Band 96
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal
2023, 182 S., zahlr., teils farb. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Implementation of the 3D skeleton winding technology for thermoplastic structural components
Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Fraunhofer ICT, Band 96
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal
2023, 182 S., zahlr., teils farb. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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